- Focus Training Centre LLC &
Focus Management Consultancy - Al Salmein Golden Tower, Suite 602
- Electra Street, PO Box 322
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Selecting the right employee is critical. Many research articles estimate that up to 70% of selection does not fit the role requirements and ends in the employee exiting the organisation, leading to an employment cost of up to 150% of the annual salary. The research suggests that companies are not investing in developing the capability to make good hiring decisions.
We are able to support you at multiple levels to improve your hiring effectiveness through improving the capability of those in whom trust is placed to make excellent decisions, improving the mobility of internal applicants to build meaningful careers within your organisation and support selection at the most practical level.
Selection ultimately comes down to the interview panel. It is their role to identify the candidate that most aligns to the competencies, organisation, values, role, and team. Most interview panel members do not often sit on panels nor are they practiced at conducting effective interviews.
We provide excellent selection panel capability development that helps interview panel members to:
Many large organisations have a ready pool of applicants internally. In a recent Bersin report (Predictions for 2015, Bersin by Deloitte), internal talent mobility was identified as an important career management tool. However, existing employees often do not have the competence or practice to apply for jobs and attend interviews, compared with external applicants, which puts them at a disadvantage.
Whilst some organisations are afraid to build job applicant competence for fear of the employee leaving, leading organisations are investing in this development as part of a wider talent solution. These organisations understand the importance of increasing the cost to value of an employee.
This is part of a wider cultural shift within organisations that recognise mobility is a desired talent solution. If you want to be on the leading edge, we can help you
Organisations struggle to get ongoing commitment from managers to actively participate in selection panels, particularly the post interview reporting. Often it is more effective to simply have an external organisation provide the service for you.
We provide a full support service that includes: