

Globally, switched-on organisations understand that employee engagement is critical to economic competitiveness, higher productivity, best use of resources and happier employees and that internal communication is a core tool in achieving that outcome. The function also plays a critical role in communicating complex topics, aligning employees to values and communicating more widely to employee families (as part of building a positive employee brand).

In the Middle East, Africa and Asia, many organisations are increasingly moving toward capturing the benefits of effective internal communication and understand its importance to integrated talent solutions. However, organisations often need support to develop sophisticated organisational-wide plans and campaigns using multiple channels, methods and tools.

Our role is to work with companies and government organisations to enhance their capability to plan and deliver exciting, effective communication strategies.

Internal communication planning

We are able to help you realise the benefits of effective internal communication through the development of a comprehensive, yet practical integrated strategic communication plan. The core elements would:

  • Align to business strategy
  • Define the internal communication strategy
  • Develop a plan for content creation, delivery and governance
  • Define channels and approaches
  • Measure results
  • Provide quality control

We will support the implementation of the plan with impactful coaching and knowledge transfer.

Building internal communication effectiveness

The ability to craft outstanding messages is not just the job of the internal communications function. The HR function is the champion of engagement and must lead by example using the highest level of persuasive writing and presentations. This core competence underpins the effectiveness of HR to reach out across the organisation to drive change or align employees. Without these skills buy-in is not likely to happen and initiatives will quickly fail.

Since our formation in 2001, we have been working with professionals across the region to enhance the capability to communicate through:

  • Training in writing persuasive briefs, proposals, plans and reports
  • Training in developing engaging, powerful presentations
  • Individual coaching on-the-job
  • Professional review of written work and presentations
  • Development of written work and presentations (if required)
  • Embrace change

    08 02 2015 Sunday UAE

    The long-held received wisdom is that people don’t like change. As Niccolo Machiavelli said in The Prince, “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction…

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  • Happiness Means Good Business

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  • Mentoring for talent development

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    03 08 2015 Monday UAE

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  • Selection matters

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    Mark is the CEO of an SME in the engineering industry. He has just recruited a key member of staff, John, and is beginning to regret it. Instead of getting on with the job the new recruit seems to be needing an awful lot of Mark’s time – time that is already…

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  • Targeted training brings many benefits

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    It is sadly common for some companies to look at the cost of training and not see the numerous benefits stemming from it. Some take a short-term view and see training purely as a cost. Others see training as an investment in the future that derives many…

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  • Does leadership philosophy matter?

    01 02 2016 Monday UAE

    The Global Financial Crisis was the worst market correction since The Great Depression. So devastating was its impact, after seven years it is still an event from which many economies are still struggling to recover. It’s common knowledge that the catalyst…

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  • The Leadership Challenge: Interview with Jim Kouzes

    06 03 2016 Sunday UAE

    Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, sat down with Focus' David Brennan to discuss leadership in the 21st Century, the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, what it takes to be a truly great leader and if leadership is different in the rest of…

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  • Keeping the team on track in challenging times: grief and change management

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    Challenging markets can often mean cost optimisation of which staff reductions may be required. Whilst the process of realigning the staff profile is relatively clear, moving the remaining team forward is less so. Dealing with the grief of losing colleagues…

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  • Focus Training Centre LLC &
    Focus Management Consultancy
  • Al Salmein Golden Tower, Suite 602
  • Electra Street, PO Box 322
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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