
Training Courses | Search results

118 Result(s)

These are the courses we offer based on your search criteria

Leading effective meetings

As a manager, it is likely that you spend between 35% and 50% of your time in meetings. If these meetings are not productive, the financial and non-financial cost is huge. This workshop will show…

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Leading with emotional intelligence

It was Daniel Goleman who first brought the term “Emotional Intelligence” to a wide audience with his 1995 book of that name. In his research at nearly 200 large, global companies, Goleman found that…

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Management by objectives

The idea of management by objectives, first outlined by Peter Drucker who pointed out that managers often lose sight of their objectives because of something he called ‘the activity trap’. They get so…

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Management excellence masterclass

This workshop has been designed for people already in a management position, or those about to take up an appointment, who want to review their management style, explore the latest thinking and models…

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Managing appraisals

A study released in November of 1998, and published in Success magazine, showed that organisations that do performance appraisals are generally more successful than organisations that don’t do…

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Managing multiple tasks

How can you prioritise when everything is urgent or important? And when more and more work piles up on a daily basis. We all know the importance of being proactive but many jobs are reactive and…

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Managing upwards

To many people, the term ‘managing upwards’ may seem strange, especially within the traditional corporate hierarchy. But recent studies suggest that highly effective managers take the time and effort…

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Manual Handling (NUCO and FAA - Level 2 Award)

Personal injuries resulting from incorrect manual handling in the workplace accounts for over one million working days lost per year, as well as the pain and suffering of the casualties. Correct…

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Marketing essentials

It’s more important than ever to ensure that you are keeping up with smart marketing tips to maximize your business success. In this Marketing Essentials workshop you will learn about the crucial…

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People are differently motivated. They are different in terms of talent, values, attitudes, drive, and world views. Knowledge of personality differences can help us understand, appreciate, and…

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MEDIC First Aid, BasicPlus CPR, AED & First Aid for Adults

MEDIC FIRST AID BasicPlus is a combined adult CPR, AED, and first aid training program run over a full day, it is designed specifically for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely flexible…

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MEDIC First Aid, CarePlus CPR, AED & First Aid for Adults

This half-day course is for people who are occupationally required, or just desire, to have CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) knowledge and skills, such as emergency response teams in…

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MEDIC First Aid, PediatricPlus CPR, AED & First Aid for Children, infants and adults

This one day MEDIC First Aid PediatricPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Children, Infants, and Adults course provides an ideal training solution for schools, childcare providers, youth sports coaches,…

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This training will help mentors understand the basic concept of mentoring, the mentoring process within an organisation, and the various aspects of the partnership which must be created and maintained…

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Middle East Management

This text-book based management programme has been contextualised for business and management in the Middle East. Participants will learn the fundamentals of business and management through exploring…

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  • Embrace change

    08 02 2015 Sunday UAE

    The long-held received wisdom is that people don’t like change. As Niccolo Machiavelli said in The Prince, “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction…

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  • Happiness Means Good Business

    08 08 2016 Monday UAE

    Research proves that happiness leads to better business outcomes and a healthier bottom line. Companies can easily implement initiatives that reap the benefits of workplace happiness.

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  • Women in leadership can boost profits by up to 15%

    23 10 2016 Sunday UAE

    Research of 22,000 companies proves that promoting women into senior leadership drives bottom line results. Taking steps to develop women has proven benefits for company leadership.

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  • Expatriates staying ahead

    13 04 2015 Monday UAE

    Expatriates are often skilled at making things happen. More often than not they are recruited because of competences (attitudes, skills and knowledge) that are not readily available locally. They arrive and get straight on with the job. At the same time, they…

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  • Mentoring for talent development

    10 06 2015 Wednesday UAE

    With population and unemployment figures on the increase, attracting and retaining talent would be should be getting easier. However, some startling statistics suggest otherwise.

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  • Motivation myths

    03 08 2015 Monday UAE

    What makes people behave the way they do? Why do some people seem to be motivated to do well in their work, while others do not? The study of motivation is endlessly fascinating as it concerns the driving force within individuals by which they attempt to…

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  • Selection matters

    29 09 2015 Tuesday

    Mark is the CEO of an SME in the engineering industry. He has just recruited a key member of staff, John, and is beginning to regret it. Instead of getting on with the job the new recruit seems to be needing an awful lot of Mark’s time – time that is already…

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  • Targeted training brings many benefits

    19 11 2015 Thursday

    It is sadly common for some companies to look at the cost of training and not see the numerous benefits stemming from it. Some take a short-term view and see training purely as a cost. Others see training as an investment in the future that derives many…

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  • Does leadership philosophy matter?

    01 02 2016 Monday UAE

    The Global Financial Crisis was the worst market correction since The Great Depression. So devastating was its impact, after seven years it is still an event from which many economies are still struggling to recover. It’s common knowledge that the catalyst…

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  • The Leadership Challenge: Interview with Jim Kouzes

    06 03 2016 Sunday UAE

    Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, sat down with Focus' David Brennan to discuss leadership in the 21st Century, the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, what it takes to be a truly great leader and if leadership is different in the rest of…

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  • Keeping the team on track in challenging times: grief and change management

    21 03 2016 Monday UAE

    Challenging markets can often mean cost optimisation of which staff reductions may be required. Whilst the process of realigning the staff profile is relatively clear, moving the remaining team forward is less so. Dealing with the grief of losing colleagues…

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  • Focus Training Centre LLC &
    Focus Management Consultancy
  • Al Salmein Golden Tower, Suite 602
  • Electra Street, PO Box 322
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates