
Training Courses | Search results

118 Result(s)

These are the courses we offer based on your search criteria

Critical thinking

Have you ever wished you could be more creative in the workplace? Creative thinking skills use very different approaches to critical thinking skills. They involve a much more relaxed, open, playful…

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Customer focus

80% of CEOs believe they deliver a superior customer service, but only 8% of their customers agree! Customer service is sometimes the only way a business can differentiate itself from its…

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Cyber Security

The easiest target is not a system or technology, it is you and me and every employee in the organisation. It is not if an attack or malicious email slips past our security-it is when. That is why it…

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Dealing with difficult people

A grumpy boss, complaining colleague or a rude customer: all recognisable characters from the everyday drama of work. Modern workplaces can be difficult places to be, so it doesn't always bring out…

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Decision making

In the complex environment of the current business world, leaders often will be called upon to act against their instincts. They will need to know when to share power and when to wield it alone, when…

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Delivering results

Do you continually deliver results within your organisation? Are the results you deliver on time? If you are a leader you are first and foremost tasked with delivering results and continuously…

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Diary management

Every assistant will manage their Executive’s diary differently. Although there are certain protocols to follow, the service should be tailored to the needs of the Executive. Ensuring you manage your…

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Drive and change management

Change management refers to a set of basic tools or structures intended to keep any change effort under control. The goal is often to minimize the distractions and impacts of the change. Change…

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Email etiquette

Love it or hate it, email is the most often used method of business communication. There are times when our working lives are dominated by email. Writing and reading messages consumes a huge part of…

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Emergency First Aid at Work (NUCO and FAA - Level 2 Award)

Where an organisation’s risk assessment of First Aid needs identifies that there is a requirement for Emergency First Aid at Work practitioners, then this one day Award for Emergency First Aid at Work…

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Emergency Paediatric First Aid (NUCO and FAA - Level 3 Award)

This one-day Emergency Paediatric First Aid course has been designed for those who have a non-professional interest in child and infant basic life support and first aid. This programme is excellent…

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Emotional intelligence

When it comes to happiness and success, emotional intelligence (EI) matters just as much as intellectual ability (IQ). Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work,…

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Employee dispute resolution

Disputes between employees are inevitable. But if left unresolved, they can disrupt your department's productivity, damage morale and even cause some good employees to leave the organisation. The…

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Empowerment and delegation

Become an outstanding manager by learning the skills of empowerment and delegation. Empowerment and delegation are both important concepts in relation to managing employees. Each involves managers…

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English for specific purpose (banking and finance)

English is the language of business. By participating in this course, you will not only learn the basic language essentials, but also key terminology, phrases and terms that are specific to your…

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  • Embrace change

    08 02 2015 Sunday UAE

    The long-held received wisdom is that people don’t like change. As Niccolo Machiavelli said in The Prince, “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction…

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  • Happiness Means Good Business

    08 08 2016 Monday UAE

    Research proves that happiness leads to better business outcomes and a healthier bottom line. Companies can easily implement initiatives that reap the benefits of workplace happiness.

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  • Women in leadership can boost profits by up to 15%

    23 10 2016 Sunday UAE

    Research of 22,000 companies proves that promoting women into senior leadership drives bottom line results. Taking steps to develop women has proven benefits for company leadership.

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  • Expatriates staying ahead

    13 04 2015 Monday UAE

    Expatriates are often skilled at making things happen. More often than not they are recruited because of competences (attitudes, skills and knowledge) that are not readily available locally. They arrive and get straight on with the job. At the same time, they…

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  • Mentoring for talent development

    10 06 2015 Wednesday UAE

    With population and unemployment figures on the increase, attracting and retaining talent would be should be getting easier. However, some startling statistics suggest otherwise.

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  • Motivation myths

    03 08 2015 Monday UAE

    What makes people behave the way they do? Why do some people seem to be motivated to do well in their work, while others do not? The study of motivation is endlessly fascinating as it concerns the driving force within individuals by which they attempt to…

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  • Selection matters

    29 09 2015 Tuesday

    Mark is the CEO of an SME in the engineering industry. He has just recruited a key member of staff, John, and is beginning to regret it. Instead of getting on with the job the new recruit seems to be needing an awful lot of Mark’s time – time that is already…

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  • Targeted training brings many benefits

    19 11 2015 Thursday

    It is sadly common for some companies to look at the cost of training and not see the numerous benefits stemming from it. Some take a short-term view and see training purely as a cost. Others see training as an investment in the future that derives many…

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  • Does leadership philosophy matter?

    01 02 2016 Monday UAE

    The Global Financial Crisis was the worst market correction since The Great Depression. So devastating was its impact, after seven years it is still an event from which many economies are still struggling to recover. It’s common knowledge that the catalyst…

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  • The Leadership Challenge: Interview with Jim Kouzes

    06 03 2016 Sunday UAE

    Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, sat down with Focus' David Brennan to discuss leadership in the 21st Century, the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, what it takes to be a truly great leader and if leadership is different in the rest of…

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  • Keeping the team on track in challenging times: grief and change management

    21 03 2016 Monday UAE

    Challenging markets can often mean cost optimisation of which staff reductions may be required. Whilst the process of realigning the staff profile is relatively clear, moving the remaining team forward is less so. Dealing with the grief of losing colleagues…

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  • Focus Training Centre LLC &
    Focus Management Consultancy
  • Al Salmein Golden Tower, Suite 602
  • Electra Street, PO Box 322
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates