- Focus Training Centre LLC &
Focus Management Consultancy - Al Salmein Golden Tower, Suite 602
- Electra Street, PO Box 322
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Listening is the most fundamental component of interpersonal communication skills. Listening is not something that just happens (like hearing), listening is an active process in which a conscious…
Read full outlineThis two day qualification is specifically designed for those who are involved in any form of activity, including sports, leisure and recreation and those who partake in activities in isolated…
Read full outlineAdministrative professionals work in a number of capacities within an office environment. Their main job is to ensure the smooth running of the office that they are responsible for and to ensure that…
Read full outlineWhen it was first introduced, the balanced scorecard supplemented traditional financial measures with criteria that measured performance from three additional perspectives; those of customers,…
Read full outlineIt is essential for managers to communicate in a correct, concise and appropriate manner. Inaccurate or ambiguous writing can be both costly and damaging. Writing skills are therefore paramount when…
Read full outlineThis workshop will enhance your ability to analyse and synthesise a diverse range of data and information in order to support sound decision making through fully understanding issues, identifying…
Read full outlineAnger is a universal experience. You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that managing anger productively is something few individuals, organisations, and societies do well. Yet research tells us…
Read full outlinePartnerships are alliances in which two or more people or departments work together to achieve objectives that are mutually beneficial. They may share resources, information, capabilities and risks to…
Read full outlineIt's a basic principle of business - before you can make money you have to figure out how to spend it. Drafting a budget is a key way to help ensure business success, turning visions into reality. By…
Read full outlineAs part of the knowledge management initiative, companies now value building a community of practice. This provides an opportunity for learning, knowledge creation, and problem solving. There are…
Read full outlineThis workshop will give you the ability to establish, sustain, and leverage relationships, networks and partnerships with employees, stakeholders and the general public in order to achieve goals and…
Read full outlineEvery manager needs to understand the impact decisions have on the strategic and financial goals of the company. Developing business acumen is an important skill as it provides an awareness and…
Read full outlineBusiness ethics are moral principles that guide the way a business behaves. The same principles that determine an individual’s actions also apply to business. Acting in an ethical way involves…
Read full outlineProfessional social situations can be awkward. The rules are slightly different from standard social settings, yet businesses rarely discuss professional etiquette topics. In this workshop you will…
Read full outlineThe growing use of email as the main method of business communication has increased the need for all employees to be able to communicate effectively in writing. Clarity is the most important…
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